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Simple Peer To Peer File Sharing Database Project in

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Distributed record sharing database venture clarifies about actualizing an inspecting based figuring strategy for expanding consistency and increment question preparing time in specially appointed conglomeration databases.

On web distributed systems use 70 percent of data transfer capacity and parcel of burden originates from inquiry preparing.

As database is gotten to download and transfer archives, media documents, programming applications there is requirement for productive question preparing techniques.

Taking care of this issue is certifiably not a simple errand and tedious and furthermore hard to execute. In this distributed record sharing database venture we attempt to propose a proficient strategy to expand productivity of database questioning.

How P2P works?

A shared system permits PC equipment and programming to impart without the requirement for a server. Not at all like customer server engineering, there is no focal server for handling demands in a P2P design. The friends legitimately connect with each other without the necessity of a focal server.

Presently, when one companion makes a solicitation, it is conceivable that different friends have the duplicate of that mentioned article. Presently the issue is the means by which to get the IP locations of each one of those companions. This is chosen by the basic design upheld by the P2P frameworks. By methods for one of these strategies, the customer friend can become acquainted with pretty much every one of the companions which have the mentioned article/document and the record move happens straightforwardly between these two friends.


  1. Centralized Directory
  2. Query Flooding
  3. Exploiting Heterogeneity


  • It is somewhat similar to client server architecture in the sense that it maintains a huge central server to provide directory service.
  • All the peers inform this central server of their IP address and the files they are making available for sharing.
  • The server queries the peers at regular intervals to make sure if the peers are still connected or not.
  • So basically this server maintains a huge database regarding which file is present at which IP addresses.


  • Unlike the centralized approach, this method makes use of distributed systems.
  • In this, the peers are supposed to be connected into an overlay network. It means if a connection/path exists from one peer to other, it is a part of this overlay network.
  • In this overlay network, peers are called as nodes and the connection between peers is called an edge between the nodes, thus resulting in a graph-like structure.


  • This P2P architecture makes use of both the above discussed systems.
  • It resembles a distributed system like Gnutella because there is no central server for query processing.
  • But unlike Gnutella, it does not treat all its peers equally. The peers with higher bandwidth and network connectivity are at a higher priority and are called as group leaders/super nodes. The rest of the peers are assigned to these super nodes.
  • These super nodes are interconnected and the peers under these super nodes inform their respective leaders about their connectivity, IP address and the files available for sharing.

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