WiFi P2P , which complies with the WiFi Alliance’s WiFi Direct™ certification 2 3 program, is a relatively new addition to wireless communications systems. It is now supported in Android operating system (since version 4.0). In theory, WiFi Direct Continue reading
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Tag: Operating System
Green IT Balanced Scorecard
Climate change has become a widely discussed topic in many regions of the society. Green IT can be seen as part of the solution to this problem and can be defined as practices that work to improve the phases of Continue reading
Evaluation of OKL4
Virtualization is not a new concept in computer science. It has been used since the middle of the sixties and now software companies has interested in this technology. In this project, we will evaluate the kernel contains, the performance, the security and Continue reading
Nowcasting using Microblog Data
The explosion of information and user generated content made publicly available through the internet has made it possible to develop new ways of inferring interesting phenomena automatically. Some interesting examples are the Continue reading
Rendering with Marching Cubes, looking at Hybrid Solutions
Marching Cubes is a rendering technique that has many advantages for a lot of areas. It is a technique for representing scalar fields as a three-dimensional mesh. It is used for geographical applications as well as Continue reading
Demonstrating the Effects of Power Management on a Real-time Operating System
This study is part of the GEODES project, dealing with the issues of power optimization, e.g. how to make a systems lifetime longer, at the cost of the quality of the performance, this is called Continue reading