Constraint programming is a powerful tool for solving complex or computationally non-trivial problems. Providing a backbone model for these mathematically formulated problems, in this case the Magic Square with water retention capabilities, makes this tool Continue reading
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Interaction and Influences in an Open-Source Eco System
The development of open source software has gone from a model characterized by skilled software developers that developed open source software for their own interest and their own needs to Continue reading
Detection and Extraction of Sky Regions in Digital Images based on Color Classification
In many applications of image processing there is a need to extract the solid background which it is usually sky for outdoor images. In our application we present this solution. We developed an automatic algorithm for Continue reading
System Information Model Suitable for Application Management Organization
The Delivery Organization Windows Development at Sandvik IT GSS is today responsible for managing over 100 different systems internally and globally, some acquired but most proprietary. The project consist of creating a database model by Continue reading
Evaluation of Problem Driven Software Process Improvement
Software development is constantly growing in complexity and several new tools have been created with the aim to manage this. However, even with this ever evolving range of tools and methodology, organizations often struggle with how to Continue reading
Automatic Transcript Generator for Podcast Files
In the modern world, Internet has become a popular place, people with speech hearing disabilities and search engines can’t take part of Continue reading
Digital 3D Facial Reconstruction Based on Computed Tomography
Despite the introduction of DNA-analysis for identification of human remains (1997-2000) several cases exist where the deceased remain unidentified. Approximately ten percent of unknown deceased persons can not be identified by Continue reading
Towards an Understanding of Geovisualization with Dynamic Displays
This paper explores research issues and methods for experimentally assessing the effectiveness of interactive and dynamic geographic visualization displays for knowledge Continue reading
Minimizing Memory Requirements for Deterministic Test Data in Embedded Testing
Embedded and automated tests reduce maintenance costs for embedded systems installed in remote locations. Testing multiple components of an embedded system, connected on a Continue reading
Efficient Technique for Color Image Noise Reduction
Images are often degraded by noises. Noise can occur during image capture, transmission, etc. Noise removal is an important task in image processing. In general the Continue reading
Automated Software Testing in an Embedded Real-time System
Today, automated software testing has been implemented successfully in many systems, however there does still exist relatively unexplored areas as how Continue reading