This study is part of the GEODES project, dealing with the issues of power optimization, e.g. how to make a systems lifetime longer, at the cost of the quality of the performance, this is called Continue reading
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Analysing Subsets of Gene Expression Data to Find Putatively Co-regulated Genes
This project is an investigation of whether analysing subsets of time series gene expression data can give additional information about Continue reading
Improved Statistics Handling
Ericsson is a global provider of telecommunications systems equipment and related services for mobile and fixed Continue reading
Efficiency indicators for Enterprise Modelling Methods and Enterprise Models
At the present time, when enterprises have tendency for constant improvements, different tools are used to analyze current state of the business and to introduce organizational Continue reading
A framework for Rapid Development of Dynamic Binary Translators
Binary recompilation and translation play an important role in computer systems today. It is used by systems such as Java and .NET, and system emulators like Continue reading
Simple Chat Program in JAVA
This is the Chat program with Client and Server. It include two parts, the Server and the Chat. Both of them are Continue reading
Payroll Management System in VB
Project Objectives:
The Software engineering course that we took this semester placed emphasis on the paradigm of eXtreme Programming (XP) techniques. Extreme programming is a Continue reading
The “Educator” User interface for Smartphone Educational Software
The “Educator” a Smartphone application which helps in gaining knowledge easily and it also helps in being more productive during the time spent in waiting for buses and train.This broken time can be Continue reading
Visually impaired and websites: how to improve websites to make it accessible for visually impaired
The modern IT society is based on Internet access, and many corporations, organizations and persons take advantage of the increased accessibility and flexibility that the Internet provides for products, services and information. This can also cause problems for the visually impaired since they Continue reading
Simple JAVA Search Engine
Nowadays every user who uses Internet wants to search for anything and everything, like Educational colleges, about Information Technology, books, news etc., using Continue reading
Telephone Billing System Project in Java Source Code
This is a simple code for telephone billing system Continue reading